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We are proud of our county at 3B, and receive many visitors from overseas or elsewhere in the UK each year. So, here’s a little guide to some of the highlights we would recommend visiting on your next trip to good old Bucks… 1. Waddesdon Manor: Start your journey with a visit to the magnificent...
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a client renting a car
Summer is here, and with it comes the excitement of holiday’s, road trips, and exploring new destinations. However, the busy summer period can pose some challenges when it comes to car hiring. With an influx of travellers and high demand for rental vehicles, it’s crucial to plan ahead and make informed decisions to ensure a...
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After nearly 2 years of hard work, we are pleased to say that Haddenham now has an EV hire club! Based at the village hall, with its own dedicated space and charge point, the latest addition to our Thame & Haddenham EV hire club is now live. Available to rent from as little as 1...
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Saturday 10th September – save the date! After months of hard work by all involved, our new community EV Hire Club will be launching at the Thame Drive Electric event next month. We already have one car based at the Barnes Centre Thame, with its own dedicated charging space. This will go live to all...
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It has been some time now that we have had electric cars for hire on the fleet. Plenty of people have tried them but it’s fair to say that they are nowhere near being one of our best sellers – yet! I mostly drive electric these days and through this experience and from conversations’ with...
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Time to book that people carrier now! We have all been patiently waiting for the news that we can escape for that much needed (and deserved) holiday this year. Finally, it is beginning to feel like the time has arrived and we can all crack on and begin the great summer getaway! Here at 3B...
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Hands up, who misses travel? My heart goes out to anyone who works in the travel industry right now. After a year that none of us will ever forget it must be heart-breaking to see your business just shrink to such an extent, almost overnight. Imagine your customers actually being told to stay away? Actually,...
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Start Booking Here

  1. Pick the location and time
  2. Browse vehicles
  3. Pick the vehicle available
  4. Add extra driver or insurance
  5. Enter your details and confirm
  6. Review your order and pay