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Where did that year go?

And here we are at the end of another year!

Its definitely true that the years seem to go quicker and quicker the older you get. It feels like only yesterday we were celebrating 3B Hires 20th birthday and yet here we are facing the prospect of year number 22. Where does the time go?

As always I end the year extremely grateful for the loyal customers we have. Whilst it has been a tough year, particularly for the many great local businesses we deal with, we continue to see signs of growth and a very resilient local economy.

For our industry, some of the problems of vehicle supply have eased and baring (another) world event that rocks us all, we are all pretty bullish about 2024. For us, its been a real year of change. We have had staff changes, added new services such as delivery and collection of your hire vehicle, partnered with some much larger organisations to enable us to deal with a much broader spread of national companies, added electric vans to the fleet for the first time and even made changes to our winter opening hours to better suit our hard working team.

But despite these changes we have stayed true to our core values of looking after our clients and giving some good old fashioned customer service.

So I end 2023 by saying a massive thank you. Thanks to our great suppliers, our loyal customers and most of all thanks to our team. Next year brings a load of new challenges as we increase our fleet offerings, continue the transition to zero emission vehicles and look to expand our horizons. As always, we will meet it head on and relish the challenge.

Merry Christmas to you all and a happy new year! See you in 2024

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